This special issue will include papers presented at 1st Annual Conference of COST Action MP1204 and the International Conference on Semiconductor Mid-IR Materials and Optics SMMO2013 held in Warsaw, Poland, from February 27 to March 2, 2013, but is also open to new contributions. It will thus focus on the development and applications of MIR/THz materials, issues important for the realization of semiconductor MIR emitters and detectors, and applications.
The Guest Editors for the Special Issue are Mauro Pereira, Anna Wojcik-Jedlinska, Marian Marciniak and Trevor Benson. In order to ensure effective and timely review the review process will be assisted by Working Group Leaders from the COST Action MP1204.
Detailed Instructions for Authors, can be found on the journal's web page:
On-line publication of papers will occur as soon as review procedures are completed, with papers all appearing together in a subsequent single printed volume.
The NEW deadline of paper submission is July 19, 2013